If you would like to become an Index member please click the link below and fill in the form, we’ll be in touch shortly. 

Below are a few FAQ, if you have any further questions please email bas.arts.index@gmail.com

Who can join Bas-Arts-Index?
If are you a creative individual, group or organisation, born, living, working in or making work about the Basildon Borough, then you are eligible to sign up to Bas-Arts-Index. You can be at any stage of your creative journey and work in any medium. 

How much does it cost?
It is completely free

What do I get if I sign up?
By signing up to Bas-Arts-Index you get an online profile on the website, you automatically get signed up to the monthly newsletter, where you can also have any of your own news/activity listed in the newsletter. You will have access to the Index private facebook members page and discord group, so you can chat with fellow members and share any upcoming activity. You will also be invited to monthly Bas-Arts-Socials which is a monthly get together with fellow members and friends.

What is expected from me?
Bas-Arts-Index has a no pressure ethos, so you can engage with as much of the activity as you want or simply have a profile on the website. It is completely up to you.

Not sure if you want to join up, but would like to read the monthly newsletter?
You can find current and previous newsletters right here on the website. Please click here

Facebook - @bas.arts.index

Instagram - @basartsindex

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