Bas-Art-Crits were a bi-monthly group crit session, intending to be a safe supportive environment to share and receive constructive feedback on your creative practice, wether that’s an idea for a new work, a process, a piece of physical work or something completely different. Whatever stage you are at, this aims to be a safe space to share.
Bas-Arts-Index has a multitude of creative members working in different mediums in different fields, so wether you are an artist, writer, photographer, musician, poet, performer, illustrator, from an arts organisation, historian, or storyteller, please do join. These are also open sessions so everyone is welcome.

Each creative has 20minutes. You can perform, read, screen something, play audio, show work, start a discussion, ask for feedback, whatever you need.
6 spaces will be available per session, please book a space at
You can bring physical work or a USB as there will be a screen.

Creator Space at the back of Basildon Library

Facebook - @bas.arts.index

Instagram - @basartsindex

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